  • 期刊


Structural Equation Modeling for Establishing the Multipurpose Hydrologic Indicators




The variability of the natural flow regime has a significant influence on the river ecosystems. By examining the relationships between stream ecosystems, water quality, and hydrologic characteristics, we can understand the preference of different organisms to flow regimes. The development of the multipurpose hydrological indicators is quite important to the management of ecological flow. By using principal component analysis and structural equation modeling, we select the hydrological indicators that could express the significance of hydro-climate, water quality and fish species diversity. Then the logistic regression analysis model is used to examine the relation between fish and hydrologic indicators by using fish's present conditions. The structural equation modeling provides examination of a set of relationships between one or more independent variables and one or more dependent variables, so the modeler could explicitly capture the unreliability of measurement in the model, which in theory allows the structural relations between latent variables to be accurately estimated. In this study, the structural equation model is used to build five water quality models and one biodiversity model. The water quality model examines the causality of hydrologic indicators and River Pollution Index, which expresses the relationship between the hydrological indicators and water quality condition, and the biodiversity model examines the causality of hydrological indicators and Shannon Index, which expresses the relationship between hydrological indicators and biodiversity. By analyzing water quality and biodiversity models, a suite of hydrological indicators representing multiple characteristics can be obtained. The multipurpose hydrological indicators selected from this research can not only provide the specific hydrologic and water quality information that fish requires, but also can provide the guidance for water resources authorities to achieve the goal of ecological restoration.


