  • 期刊


Study of the Quality of Life on Family Caregivers of Patients with Hematological Cancer


本研究旨在探討血液腫瘤病患家屬的生活品質及其與個人背景因素間之關係。以立意取樣法,共調查中部某醫學中心血液腫瘤病患家屬81人。以生活品質指標(Quality of Life Index [QLI])爲工具,採訪談及自行填答問卷兩種方式收集資料。研究結果顯示,血液腫瘤病患家屬之整體生活品質平均得分爲19.39,生活品質所涵蓋的五個範圍得分依序爲:親密因素22.42,家庭因素21.67;健康因素19.14,心理社會因素18.91;環境因素17.91。血液腫瘤病患家屬生活品質項目平均得分最高之前三項爲,家庭幸福、配偶關係、子女;而平均得分最低之三個項目爲:對政府影響力、壓力煩惱、台灣情況。其生活品質之整體滿意度及整體重要性均與生活品質指標有顯著正相關。主要經濟靠自己之家屬較需依賴他人者擁有較高之心理社會生活品質。有就業家屬及與病人關係爲子女者其健康因素的生活品質較佳。女性家屬家庭因素之生活品質顯著高於男性家屬。建議應加強護理人員有關家庭角色、疾病對家庭的影響等家庭護理方面的知識,重視以「家庭」爲中心的整體性護理,主動關懷家屬,給予適當支持與協助,成立支持團體與社會支持網路,協助家屬面對所有擔折,減輕照顧病人所致之壓力負擔,進而提升其生活品質。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the quality of life on family care- givers of patients with hematological cancer and the relationship between their quality of life and background variables. 81 family caregivers of patients with hematological cancer were selected by accidental sampling. The Quality of Life Index was used as a tool to collect data. 81 questionnaires formed the basis for data analysis. The results indicated that the mean score of Quality of Life Index on the family caregivers of patients with hematological cancer was 19.39. Of the five factors which determined the quality of life, the intimacy factor achieved the highest mean score, followed by the family factor, the health factor, the psychosocial factor, and the environmental factor. Three items had the top mean scores in the life quality items: family's happiness, the relationship with spouse, and the relationship with children. The ability to influence government, the amount of worries, and condition of Taiwan were the items having the lowerst mean scores. It was found that the family caregivers with independent economy had significantly higher life quality score on psychosocial subscale than those depending on others. The family caregivers who were sons or daughters of the patients with jobs had significantly higher of life quality score on the health subscale than others. Female family caregivers had significantly higher quality of life score on the family subscale than the male family caregivers.


