  • 期刊


Fatigue among Mothers with Asthmatic Children


氣喘在兒童慢性病中佔大部分,且罹病人數逐年增加。兒童氣喘雖可治癒,但長期服藥及日常生活避開過敏原,皆需主要照顧者更加費心,種種因素都可能造成主要照顧者生理的、心理的疲倦,且多數由女性擔負家庭長期照護的責任,因此疲倦成爲氣喘病童母親本身極爲嚴重的問題。本研究目的爲確認氣喘病童母親疲倦的嚴重程度,採橫斷式、描述性、比較性之量性研究,於2003年8月至9月間,在南部某醫學中心小兒科門診收案,對象爲氣喘病童之母親,透過自填式問卷包括個人疲勞強度問卷中文版及個案基本資料問卷來收集資料,共收得有效問卷37份。以SPSS/Windows 10.0版電腦統計軟體進行基本資料及問卷之鍵入,分析後發現:受試者之疲勞量表得分平約爲80.05±0.92(範圍:59-101),且其睡眠是否充足在疲倦嚴重程度上有統計上顯著差異(t=-2.83, p=.008)。此研究可提升醫護人員對氣喘病童主要照顧者健康之重視,了解主要照顧者的疲倦嚴重程度,期能適時地關心並提供介入措施。


疲倦 照顧者 氣喘兒童


Asthmatic children take a great part in pediatric chronic diseases. Asthmatic children need medical therapy for long periods of time. It may bother the caregivers and lead to fatigue. Fatigue becomes a serious problem for caregivers with asthmatic children. In most families women take responsibilities of caring for asthmatic children. The purpose of the study was to explore the severity of fatigue among mothers with asthmatic children. This was a descriptive and cross-sectional comparative, quantitative study. Data were collected by using the Chinese version, self-report questionnaire from primary caregivers of asthmatic children who visited the doctor at a Medical Center of Southern Taiwan. From August 1 to September 30, 2003, a total of 37 subjects were available. The mean score of fatigue was 80.05, SD=10.92, range =59-101. It had significant difference between those mothers who slept well and had not enough sleep (t=-2.83, p=.008). Therefore, the severity of fatigue among caregivers with asthmatic children was identified. The findings of this study may encourage medical professionals to pay more attention to the health of caregivers.


fatigue caregiver children with asthma


