  • 期刊


The Nursing Experience of a Patient with Sellar Atrophy Related Hypopituitarism


本篇是探討一位女性因罹患腦下垂體功能低下症之護理經驗。照護期間自2010 年4月19日至2010年4月23日共5天,筆者運用Gordon 11項健康功能型態進行護理評估,整理出相關的健康問題有(1)跌倒危險性(2)焦慮(3)健康尋求行為(4)長期性低自尊等健康問題。個案係因繼發性腎上腺機能不足,未規則服用類固醇,突然發生全身性倦怠、肢體無力,產生焦慮與害怕,再者因第二性徵不足有長期性低自尊等健康問題。故依其健康問題之優先順序來共同訂定護理計畫,並確實執行各項措施,透過衛生教育,提供相關資訊,增加個案對疾病的認識,運用陪伴及同理心方法降低焦慮感受,協助個案及家屬能面對並克服疾病所帶來身體的不適與壓力,能了解正確用藥方法及注意事項,協助尋求身心接受此終身與疾病共存的正向態度及行為。


This case study was about the nursing care experience of a female patient with Hypopituitarism. The nursing care duration was from Apr. 19 to 23, 2011, a total of five days. The author used the Gordon 11 health functional analysis method to conduct the nursing care evaluation. Through observation, physical evaluation, direct nursing care and conversation, relevant health problems were summed up as (1) risk of falls, (2) anxiety, (3) health seeking behavior, and (4) long-term low self-esteem. The patient suffered from secondary adrenal insufficiency but did not take steroids on a regular basis. Due to a sudden generalized tiredness and limbs weakness, she felt anxious and afraid. Her impairment of secondary sex characteristics caused to have low self-esteem. A nursing care program was designed based on the priority of health problems and all measures were precisely carried out. The patient received a better understanding of the illness via patients' instruction and relevant information. The anxiety was eased with company and empathy. We also helped the patient and her family members face and conquer the discomfort and stress, as well as understand the correct usage of medicine and notes. The aim for the patient is to achieve a positive attitude and action towards acceptance in living with such a disease physically and mentally.


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