  • 期刊


Applications of Diagnostic Meta-analysis: An Example of the Diagnostic Accuracy of the Water Swallow Test Among Stroke Patients with Dysphagia


吞嚥困難診斷是護理人員照護腦中風病人很重要的能力,本文旨提升護理人員執行腦中風病人吞嚥困難診斷之精確度,以實證醫學之診斷型統合分析找出最精確診斷腦中風病人吞嚥困難之水量並全面執行腦中風病人吞嚥困難診斷。結果發現護理人員對腦中風病人吞嚥困難診斷精確度由4.75%提高至100%,腦中風病人併發吸入性肺炎發生率由千分之2.59‰下降至千分之1.36 。護理人員可應用診斷型統合分析於臨床工作中,以提升腦中風病人吞嚥困難診斷之精確度。


The ability of nursing staff to determine stroke deglutition disorders is crucial in caring for stroke patients. This study aimed to increase the ability of nursing staff in stroke care units to provide accurate diagnoses of this type. Research was carried out using evidence-based metaanalysis to comprehensively determine the most accurate water volume for the diagnosis of stroke deglutition disorders. The diagnostic accuracy of stroke deglutition disorders increased from 4.75% to 100% among nursing staff when the new technique was implemented, and the incidence of aspiration pneumonia in patients with strokes was reduced from 2.59 ‰ to 1.36 ‰ . By applying this meta-analysis of diagnostic tests to clinical practice, nursing staff can increase the diagnostic accuracy of stroke deglutition disorders.


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