  • 期刊


Project to Reduce the Incidence Rate of Ecchymosis in Puncture Sites after Arterial Catheter Removal




橈動脈導管 瘀青 穿刺部位


Inadequate compression after arterial catheter removal can result in hematoma and ecchymosis. The complication rate has been reported to be up to 51.3%. We proposed a project to reduce the incidence of ecchymosis. The factors for ecchymosis include procedures for catheter removal, nursing care, compression time and equipment operation, and patient education. Therefore, we standardized the procedures and manuals for catheter removal. In addition, we provided nursing educational programs and devices, screened at-risk patients, and standardized the compression procedure. After project completion the incidence rate of ecchymosis decreased to 15.87%, and the procedures were applied to other units. The incidence of ecchymosis should be monitored to improve the quality of nursing care for patients with catheters.


arterial catheter ecchymosis puncture site


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