  • 期刊


A Phenomenological Interpretation of Simone de Beauvoir's the Second Sex Based on Meleau-Ponty's Concept of Freedom


本文主張《第二性》所論述的觀點並非一種生物決定論或生物化約論,而是一種存在-現象學觀點:上述誤解可能來自於《第二性》的寫作方式,這種寫作方式使讀者易陷入《第二性》所呈現的生動案例,但不明白西蒙波娃爲何如此呈現?本文將說明:《第二性》其實是一種哲學方法論的運用-亦即這是一種「現象學描述」(phenomenological description)。爲了論證此觀點,我將藉由沙特(Jean-Paul Sartre)幼與梅洛龐蒂(Maurice Merleau-Ponty)對「自由」(freedom)概念的對比差異來說明:《第二隨》所描述的「女性身體」是一個「處境中的主體」(situated subject),而這樣的身體觀要駁斥的正是把身體當作「生物決定論」的化約主義。最後,我將說明:《第二性》也不主張一種像芭勒(Judith Butler)所說的「社會建構論」。事實上,芭勒的解讀策略並未如實呈現《第二性》的真正全貌。


Many readers of The Second Sex are under the impression that this is a book talking about women/female's negative body. For this reason, the author of The Second Sex, Simone de Beauvoir is favor of biological determinism. In this paper, Ⅰ will argue that Simone de Beauvoir does not advocate biological determinism but contend a phenomenological view in The Second Sex. That is to say, many descriptions of women/female's negative body in The Second Sex are a kind of phenomenological description. Ⅰ will use the concept of freedom of Maurice Merleau-Ponty's to explain that women/female's negative body in The Second Sex is a situated subject or embodied body. Finally, I will refute Judith Butler' view and argue that The Second Sex is not a kind of social constructivism.


Beauvoir, Simone,H. M. Parshley (trans./ed.)(1989).The Second Sex.New York:Vintage Books.
Bigwood, Carol(1999).Renaturalizing the Body (with the help of Merleau-Ponty).Hypatia.6(3),54-73.
Butler, Judith(1986).Sex and Gender in Simone de Beauvoir`s Second Sex.Yale French Studies.72,35-49.
Butler, Judith(1988).Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory.Theatre Journal.40,519-531.
Butler, Judith(1990).Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity.New York:Routledge.


