  • 期刊


Practices of Citizen Journalism from the Perspective of Communication Empowerment: A Case Study on PeoPo and Citizen Reporters in Taiwan




Previous studies on citizen journalism rarely investigated the associations among citizen media, citizen reporters, and citizen journalism practices, as well as their online-offline interactions. This paper develops a three-level analytic framework of communication empowerment to examine local practices of citizen journalism in Taiwan, as represented by the PeoPo citizen journalism platform. Qualitative data collection and analysis reveal that citizen media has not reconfigured the media ecology. Yet, as change agent, citizen media has contributed to emancipating, cultivating, and aggregating individual citizen reporters' democratic communication through mediating their cognition of media access and participatory media production. At the community level, citizen reporters are able to manifest their agency as cultural producers and political subjects both in normal and crisis situations. At the societal level, the online and offline collaborations between citizen media and social movement organizations give rise to more visibility and continuity of social movement issues in an alternative public sphere. The influences of emotional resonance among citizen journalism practitioners at different levels are also discussed.


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