  • 期刊


Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Government Transformation: The Social-constructivism Perceptivities


資訊科技革命,無疑為當代社會最重要變革,實已重塑全球政治、經濟及社會風貌,處於政治經濟及文化系絡下之政府,自身無法自外於資訊科技所産生的廣泛影響下,故衆多學者曾就公共行政運用資訊科技推動行政發展之方向加以探討,提出「電子化政府」(electronic government)等概念。 本文認為資訊科技應用於公共事務所能産生的影響,係取決於科技應用之社會系絡,及其價值與意義。將資訊科技導入公共事務活動上,無法自行出現新型態的治理關係與行政實務,電子化政府的新型態治理與公共行政之發展,仍需透過對於社會正義、民主、自由及人道等價值之反思,役使資訊科技滿足人類與社會發展及成長之需求。


Undoubtedly, the ICT revolution has brought about significant changes in present day society and reshaped the realms of politics, economics and society all over the world. Governments, which existing the contexts of politics, economics and culture, have not been immune to the widespread impact of ICT. Many scholars have discussed the directions of public administration in employing ICT to facilitate administration development, which regard to such issues as ”electronic government” and ”information polity.” This paper expounds the ICT impact in handling public affairs as determined by their social contexts, values and implications and the technologies that can be employed. Alternative forms of governance and administrative practices will not automatically emerge from the introduction of ICT into the government functions that deal with public affairs. The emergence of new governance and the development of public administration should reflect the values in social justice, democracy, freedom and human rights and employ ICT to meet the needs of humanity's and society's development and growth.


陳淑銘(2013)。公文線上簽核系統使用之滿意度研究 -以經濟部為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2013.00550
