  • 期刊


Constructing Appropriate Governmental Publication/Information Services for Individuals with Visual Impairments


政府出版品是政府施政作為的具體紀錄,人民應能藉由公平、公開取得與使用。視障國民在這樣的前提下,應受保障,但客觀的條件,卻影響著我們所能做的部份。 點字發明,開啟盲人接近資訊的第一扇門,錄音設備的普及,也增加了為盲人轉譯資訊的管道。但資訊必須重製處理的限制,仍限制了可用資訊量的成長。直至本土化的盲用電腦問世,與數位化的趨勢成行,才使他們有較多的資訊參與機會。 目前,視障者已可利用點字或語音的自動轉譯技術,讀取數位化的文字資訊,但網路環境的操作障礙,與掃瞄處理的影像內容,卻仍造成使用的困擾。 在公共資訊數位化的趨勢下,我們期待政府在建製網站時,能落實無障礙的網頁規範,並且在各類出版品的發行同時,也提供電子檔,作為轉製點字版本的使用,而後透過現有的視障服務通路,進行有效的推廣,達到「公平、公開取得與使用」的理想。


Governmental publications are solid records of governmental acts and polities, and the necessity is fair and open access by the general public. Given that, individuals with visual impairments should have the same access to governmental information. However, this kind of access is prohibited by various factors. The invention of Brails open the gateway of information access for individuals who are blind, and the widespread of audio recording equipments also provides alternatives of transcribing information for the blind. The speed of information grow, however, is still limited by the development of techniques in data reproduction. The information right of individuals with visual impairment is enhanced with the development of computer technology and digitization of information. Individuals with visual impairments can now access digital information via Brails and/or voice synthesizers. However, these individuals still have difficulties in the access to Internet and image-based information that are scanned in the computer. In the era of digitization of public information, we expect the government to adhere the principles of barrier-free web design in the development of websites. Governmental publications should also be provided through both paper and computer files, in the purpose of transcription. Governmental information should be provided to individuals with visual impairments via existing service mechanism, in order to achieve the goal of fair, open access of information.


