  • 期刊


The Significance of Electronic Democracy in the Development of Democratic Political System


近年來隨著資訊與通信科技(ICTs)的迅速發展,電子化民主被視為是彌補代議民主缺失及實踐直接民主、商議式民主(deliberative democracy)的利器。在全球化的知識經濟時代,吾人必須揚棄僅有立法權能授予決策民主正當性的一元民主思維,體認藉由公民廣乏且深入的參與,亦能賦予行政權決策民主正當性之二元民主時代已經來臨,且唯有持續推動電子化民主,新民主的願景才有真正實現的可能。有鑑於此,電子化民主對民主政治的意義、作用及其效益等相關議題確實值得深入探討,以作為我國規劃相關制度之參考。本文首先說明電子化民主的興起緣由、界定其意涵及特性,其次說明誰動電子化民主所欲達成的願景及我國電子化民主發展現況,接著分析電子化民主對民主政治發展的作用及可能遭遇的限制,最後提出我國實施電子化民主應注意的原則。


With the rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICTs), electronic democracy is now considered an effective approach that can be used to make up for the deficiency of representative democracy and to implement direct democracy and deliberative democracy. In the era of globalization and knowledge economy, it is necessary that we change our traditional idea of monolithic democracy, in which policy making can only be justified as democratic by the power of legislation. Instead, we must realize that the time of dual democracy has come, in which through extensive and intensive citizen participation can also justify government's policy making as democratic. The vision of new democracy can only be fulfilled through continuous effort toward electronic democracy. Therefore, it is worthwhile to investigate the significance, the impact, and the effect of electronic democracy may have on the democratic political system as the findings may shed light on the development and redesigning of Taiwan's political system. This study first explains the emergence of electronic democracy and describes its definition and nature. Next, it portrays the vision of electronic democracy and the ongoing development of electronic democracy in Taiwan. Then it analyzes the impact electronic democracy may have on the development of the democratic political system and the limitations it might encounter. Last, but the not the least, it proposes some guiding principles Taiwan should follow in implementing electronic democracy.


