  • 期刊


Strategy of the Public Participation in Conserving Marine Resources


人類科技的進步,已經造成海洋生物過度利用,世界各國紛紛進行海洋資源保育的工作。台灣四周環海,海岸線長1141公里,由於受到地形、氣候、洋流的影響,海洋資源非常豐富。然而,由於民眾缺乏資源保育的觀念,台灣海域的生物資源已日益桔竭,所以喚起民眾參與海洋資源保育行動乃是當務之急。本文以海洋資源遭受破壞程度與台灣相似的泰國,和保育工作一向良好的澳洲當作借鏡,並檢討我國民眾參與海洋資源保育的情形,研擬導引民眾參與的方法和行動策略。 增加大眾認知(awareness)是促進民眾參與行動的重要手段,有了民眾的積極參與,海洋資源方得以改善,改善的成效良否,將影響民眾長期支持保育的態度。增加大眾認知必須由加強保育教育、環境教育和環境體驗三方面著手,培養民眾負責任的環境行為。為了達到「健康海洋」的願景,政府與民眾必須訂定共同的政策目標,政府、非政府組織(NGO)、全業、社區和個人必須分工合作,營造海洋資源保育的學習環境,增進民眾認知,才能促成民眾參與海洋資源保育行動。


Since the progress of human science and technology has already resulted in the overuse of marine lives, many countries around the world have started to conserve our marine resources. Surrounded by the ocean with a 1,141-kilometer-long coastline, Taiwan is abundant in marine resources due to the functions of topography, climate, and ocean current. However, owing to people's lack of the concept of resource conservation, biological resources in Taiwan's waters have gradually been exhausted. Awakening the public to participate in conserving marine resources, therefore, becomes the most urgent mission now. Taking Thailand, whose marine resources are damaged as seriously as Tan an does, and Australia, whose conservation works are praiseworthy, as two examples, this article reviews how our people participate in conserving marine resources and further infers the way and strategy of the public participation. Increasing the public awareness is a significant means to promote the public participation, for it can improve the conservation of marine resources. Whether the improvement works or not will affect people's attitude of long-term support. Hence, increasing the public awareness must start from enhancing three aspects-conservation education, environmental education, and environmental experience-and further foster the people's responsible behavior. In order to achieve the prospect of ”healthy ocean,” the government and public have to establish a common objective together. Also, the government, NGOs, enterprises, communities, and individuals have to cooperate with each other to construct a learning environment about the conservation of marine resources while increasing the public awareness, thus able to promote the public participation in conserving marine resources.


莊政諺(2015)。遊客對墾丁國家公園社頂部落生態旅遊願付價格 與環境態度之研究〔碩士論文,國立屏東科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST.2015.00213
