  • 期刊


Marine Tourism and Recreation Development in Taiwan: Current Status and Opportunities


台灣四面環海兼有離島,海岸觀光遊憩資源堪稱豐富,解嚴之後,為拓展國民休閒遊憩空間,並推動海濱及海洋觀光遊憩發展,台灣沿海景觀良好,觀光資源豐富的海濱及離島-墾丁、東北角海岸、東部海岸、澎湖、馬祖、綠島、大鵬灣、北部海岸及雲嘉南海岸等,已分別劃入國家公園及國家風景區之範圍,由專責單位經營管理,積極改善海濱遊憩設施品質,增加國人進出及親近海洋的管道與機會,近年來,政府在法令面的限制亦積極檢討令予以鬆綁及建立管理制度,以營造發展海洋遊憩之環境,期能發展國內海洋相關產業之規模,並能吸引外籍遊艇來台觀光旅遊。 近年來,隨著國人對生態、環保觀念的重視及親近海洋的意願提升,民間亦逐漸投入海洋觀光遊憩相關產業,多樣化的海洋觀光活動漸漸風行,依國外發展之經驗,深化海洋觀光容入地方文化,使遊憩之利益能讓地方分享,加強海洋環境教育訓練,建立海洋永續利用之基礎,加強部會間及地方之協調整合,減少海洋利用之衝突,是國內應持續努力之方向,配合海洋觀光遊憩管理制度之建立,使我國海洋觀光遊憩之發展進一步與國外接軌。


As an island, Taiwan has an abundance of resources for coastal and marine recreation. In recent years the government has sought to develop these resources to attract domestic and international visitors. A major part of this effort has been to establish national parks and scenic areas in coastal and offshore island areas with scenic beauty and high tourism potential. Such areas, including the Kending, Northeast Coast, East Coast, Penghu, Matzu, Dapengwan, North Coast, and Southwest Coast areas, are operated, managed by designated agencies. The government has also committed considerable resources to enhancing the quality of coastal recreation facilities, while also loosening regulations and establishing administration systems to foster an environment for developing marine recreations and related industries. Encouraged by grow mg environmental consciousness and interest in marine recreations in Taiwan, Private sector involvement has also increased in this sector, contributing to the development and diversity of coastal and marine recreations. To ensure that such developments benefit the local economies it is important that marine tourism be integrated closely with the local culture, as the experience of other countries has shown. It is also necessary to strengthen education and training on marine environments as a basis for ensuring sustainable use of marine resources, and to bolster coordination and integration of central and local government agencies to minimize conflicts over marine resource utilization. Taiwan also needs to establish marine tourism and recreation management systems to ensure its development in this sector progresses in step with international trends.


