  • 期刊

合理改善政府財政結構?權力V. S.理性,價值V. S.科學

A Rational Improvement of Fiscal System? Power v. s. Rationalization, Value v. s. Science




Is so called ”a rational improvement of fiscal system” really a matter in the actual operational fiscal system? This short article is trying to argue that it would be a misleading to look for a 'rational fiscal system” in the real world. A rational fiscal system maybe exist in theory, but in the reality, a fiscal system was determined by political, social, and economical conditions of a particular nation at particular time. In fact, governmental fiscal allocation was a reflection of the outcome of power struggle among different groups in the society. It could not be ”possible to find a single measure which will please everybody as an overall guide to performance”, as argued by Reddaway (1992, p. xvii).


Fiscal Policy Power Value Budget Rationalization
