  • 期刊


Preliminary Analysis of Glocalization Initiatives by International Organizations


在全球化過程中,人類藉由許多的國際組織持續並加速進行跨國疆界的交流互動。這種網絡關係存在全球並發揮網絡作用與影響,成為全球化與在地化的重要觸媒。基本上,國際組織已成為國家建構一種決策網絡體系,透過集體運作方式,就其重要議題尋求解決的合成體。鑑於全球化潮流下,地方崛起,許多國際組織亦因應此潮勢採取回應作為,形成一股全球在地化的發展趨勢。 本文除探討全球化潮流下國際組織角色演變,並擇取幾個重要國際組織進行回顧與分析,包括全球在地論壇、聯合國教科文組織、經濟發展合作組織、亞太經濟合作會議、城市和地方政府聯合組織因應全球化的在地努力,含括研討會、論壇、研訂策略與計畫、研究及相關措施等,藉以梳理出全球化在地作為的重點議題與未來努力方向。綜整提出三大趨勢:全球行為者的轉變-包括國際組織組成的多元化、城市與地方政府、中小企業、公民社會、青年等角色愈加顯著;在地的全球化議題-包括外交的新型態、發展經濟、文化、觀光旅遊、運動、資訊科技、和平、分權等;國際組織成為因應全球的在地化重要策略與運作工具。


Amidst the globalization process, people rely on many international organizations to continually intensify their mutual interactions. Such network relationships indeed exert worldwide influence and have become a major catalyst between globalization and localization. Basically, international organizations in effect function as group entities that have become key network systems to generate national policies in many countries, and to solve problems through an integrated process. In the era of globalization, the role of the local rises as well. International organizations of every type have faced the tide of globalization and responded with a variety of new approaches. This study explores the general transformation of the roles of international organizations, and specifically analyzes the endeavors of five organizations to conduct localization toward globalization through several means. The organizations include the Glocal Forum, UNESCO, OECD, APEC, and UCLG. The means include symposiums, forums, research, developing strategies, projects, various relevant measures, etc. This paper concludes by summarizing three trends of glocalization. The first is an expanded roster of who the key players are: more diverse international organizations, city and local governments, small and medium enterprises, civil society, youth groups, etc. The second trend is the localization of globalization, such as locally-driven diplomacy, economic development, culture, tourism, sports, information technology, the pursuit of peace, decentralization, etc. The third trend is for international organizations to become key tools for developing responsive glocalization strategies and practices..


