  • 期刊


Issues & Approaches in Cross-Boundary Governance-Analytical Review of Taiwan's "International Living Environment Initiative"


隨著全球化時代的興起,公共事務已愈顯複雜,公共治理不再只是單一業務的處理,而是常常涉及跨不同部會、跨公私領域、跨第3部門以及民眾的參與模式處理,也就是所謂跨域治理。由於跨域治理的多元領域、多元參與者的多層次關係,因此呈現高複雜度,已成為公共治理領域新興重要課題。 近年來,政府的施政計畫中跨域型的計畫愈益增加,跨部會機關、跨中央與地方,甚至需借重私部門以及第3部門之力(如老人照護、水患治理、防制人口販運、醫療服務國際化等),始得落實執行,策略計畫、措施之擬定,與執行均面臨史高的挑戰。本文以跨域型態的整合型施政計畫一營造國際生活環境計畫為題,回顧其跨域運作與推動成果,並就實務上探討相關跨域治理工具、機制、網絡建立等議題,提出整體計畫未來努力重點,包括運作的重要利器一資訊網路平台、設置輔導團隊提供專業諮詢與協助、在地國際化-厚植城市國際競爭力、強化國內協作網絡,以及拓展國外網絡-推動參與全球城市網等。


With the rise of globalization, the complexity involved in managing public affairs has increased tremendously. Public governance is no longer a single-dimension process, but rather a system that incorporates numerous levels of cross-boundary governance. The interactions within this system encompass governmental agencies, public-private sector cooperation, the third-party sector, and citizen participation. The complexity and multiple layers between diversified fields and participants have made cross-boundary governance a crucial topic in the field of public governance. In recent years, the number of initiatives and projects in Taiwan involving cross-boundary governance has steadily expanded. Collaboration between different levels of governmental agencies, the private sector, and the third-party sector have greatly improved the success of Taiwan's policy development and implementation. Effective examples span numerous issues, such as elderly-care, flooding, human trafficking, and the internationalization of medical services. The complexity of cross-boundary governance makes policy formulation and execution a challenging task. This essay explores the tools, mechanisms, and network-building of cross-boundary governance based on the experience of promoting Taiwan's ”International Living Environment Initiative.” Furthermore, this essay provides analysis and offers suggestions for effective cross-boundary governance, and suggests an outline of future goals. The outline emphasizes key factors for implementing projects that entail cross-boundary governance, namely the information network platform, consulting teams that provide professional assistance, locality globalization that increases the international competitiveness within cities, enhancement of domestic networks, expansion of overseas networks, and participation in global city networks.


