  • 期刊


The Relation between the Path of Innovation Activities, Isomorphism and Firm's Performance: The Evidence of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacture Industry


企業因優勢而擁有較佳的獲利機會,如以專利開發為基礎的創新活動使企業因不對稱、彈性或不限制性等優勢佔有較佳獲利位置。如同下棋一般,為了佔有較佳獲利位置實現期望利益,企業將會進行創新活動佈署,此創新活動使企業位於獲利位置,其中的定位佈署應包含了創新活動的方法與目標等,例如專利發展採漸進或跳躍式路徑,以及創新活動的目標,如專利市場的獨佔或技術性卡位。 本文以2003年半導體工業年鑑之廠商參考名錄為樣本(經濟部,2003),蒐集樣本在1997至2002等6年的產值資料,及1996至2001等6年的專利權資料。透過多元尺度(Multidimensional Scaling;MDS)法與脊迴歸(ridge regression)模型,本文發現:(1)以專利為衡量基礎的IC製造業技術發展路徑係採漸進式,且廠商間存著同形(isomorphism)聚落的情況,(2)具持續性的優勢才能使廠商獲利,包含專利的累積、創造等與廠商績效間具有正向關係,(3)追求創新活動相關多元化的廠商績效相對優於非相關多元化廠商,(4)IC製造業績效與產業標準、專業分工(division of labor)有關。


An enterprise has the better chance to make a profit by possession of advantages. To apply the innovation activities, basing on patent development, the enterprise locates its better position owing to the asymmetric and flexible or unlimited advantages. The deployment of innovation activities is proceeding as the chess to capture the occupation and to realize the expected profits. The deployment includes the means and ends of innovation activities, such as the evolutionary path by incremental or radical methods, and the monopoly power or occupant of the purpose. This study is to sample an almanac, 2003 Semiconductors Industry yearbook, and collecting the six years longitudinal data of output value, 1997-2002, and patent, 1996-2001. Result of this study by the multidimensional scaling and ridge regression model shows: (1) the trajectory of IC manufacture industry technology development measurement by patent development is incremental path, and there is being isomorphism among the firms, (2) the advantage will make the firm profit by sustaining exploitation, including accumulation and creation of patent which is positive relationship with firm performance, (3) the firm's performance of seeking relative diversification of innovation activities is better than one of seeking unrelative, (4) the performance of semiconductor industry is related to industry standardization, and division of labor.


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