  • 期刊


Geography Difference and Marketing Relational Bonding Strategy: the Study of Various Types of Credit Unions in Metropolis and Country




This research discusses geographically difference influences in marketing relation bounding of customers in Credit Unions. In the recent years, to deal with bank service deposit or purchase of financial product is considered as a part of daily life. In this paper, we focus on customer behaviors in Credit Unions which characterizes local geographies and the diversity of customer relation connections. The study collects 378 questionnaires to explore the cause relations among relational bonding strategies, trust-commitment and behavior intention in urban or suburban type Credit Unions. The results show that the structural bond is the only factor that impacts trust-commitment of customers in metropolis area. It can refer that there are more financial organizations in city and customers may have more choices. Therefore if the Credit Union can offer target customer more benefits that are difficult for business to provide elsewhere, then it possesses competitive advantages. In the suburban area, it is only structural bond that doesn’t influence trust-commitment significantly in statistic.


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