  • 期刊


A Comparative Study on Decision Making in the Organizations between Japan and Taiwan from the Viewpoint of Intercultural Communication


本研究主要以跨文化溝通的角度探討台日雙方在面臨決策之際,意見提出至決定的溝通過程之異同及人的因素在決策中所扮演的角色。 研究方法採問卷調査法,利用問卷調査的結果進行多變量分析,以探討日台決策的溝通過程及人際互動,並檢視「集團主義理論」是否適用於解釋台日社會決策時的溝通模式。 本研究的實務運用在於增進雙方人民的了解,減少台日交流中面臨決策問題時,以主觀的價值判斷來評論對方,並有助於預測對方的決策結果,進而對台日企業合作、對日外交、台日文化之了解有所助益。 具體研究内容如下: (一)調査台日決策溝通的影響要素之異同。 (二)檢視「集團主義與個人主義理論」在文化解釋上的適用性。


From the perspective of intercultural communication, this study aims to investigate the similarities and differences between Japanese and Taiwanese in terms of the process of decision making, including the stages from offering opinion to making a final decision, and the role of interpersonal relationship in the whole process. Questionnaire method is utilized. By Multivariate Analysis, it attempts to find out (1) the communicative processes of decision making by Japanese and Taiwanese, (2) if interpersonal interactions and traditional culture theories may explain the patterns of decision making of Japanese and Taiwanese. The practical application of this study may improve understanding between the two cultural groups, help to avoid subjective evaluation and judgment, and benefit the prediction for the result of decision from interlocutor. This study is beneficial for the cooperation between Japanese and Taiwanese organizations, diplomatic issues to Japan, and understanding the cultures of both groups. Research questions are as follows: (1) The similarities and differences between the patterns of decision making of Japanese and Taiwanese. (2) The effect of the ”Individualism and Collectivism” model in explaining the differences between Japanese and Taiwanese.


Nkamichi, Eri(2006).Communication Problems at Japanese Companies in Asian Countries-Malaysia, Philippines and Taiwan.East-Asia Review.452,61-69.
教育部主計處統計資料 2006 http://www.edu.tw/statistics/content.aspx?site_content_sn=8869
MasterCard Worldwide Index 「女性の社会進出度」指数調査http://www.masterintelligence.com/index.jsp、2009
