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Integrating Translation into Senior High School English Teaching:Reflections on Lesson Design and Implementation



Parallel abstracts

Translation is a communicative activity occurring between people of different languages and cultures. While many teachers tend to equate translation with using L1 in the language classroom, translation activities can be used in a variety of ways in language teaching. This paper explores the possibility of integrating translation activities into high school English language teaching in Taiwan. A total of eight lesson plans were designed based on results of empirical research on the effects of using translation in language learning and teaching, organized in four main themes, including role-playing, teaching of collocations, translation tests, and grammar and writing. All lesson plans were implemented in high school classes and students’ reactions to the lessons were collected through questionnaires. Based on the difficulties encountered when designing and implementing these lesson plans, the researcher raises five issues to be addressed when incorporating translation activities into English language teaching, including the functions of the translation activities, the quality of translation of the instructional materials and the translation strategies adopted, the language of instruction in the classroom, learners’ beliefs about and habits of using translation, and the use of group discussions and activities.


大學入學考試中心。〈指定科目考試英文考科考試說明(適用於99 課綱)〉,2011,http://www.ceec.edu.tw/99 課綱考試說明/1000930/99 課綱考試說明.htm。
教育部。〈普通高級中學課程綱要〉,2011,http://www.k12ea.gov.tw/files/common_unit/a7285432-45bf-4371-b514-3eb12aff9871/doc/99 普通高中課程綱要.pdf 。
