  • 期刊


A Study of The Late Ch'ing Historiograthy : Introduction of The Western History and Geography




In effecting the development of Late-Ch'ng historiography, primary element derives from the new prospects of epoch: on one side is the study of history and geography on native northwestern frontier, the other is the western impact, which duce the storm of introducing foreign history and geography. Since 1840's, the western impact had forced Chinese intellectuals to reconsidered the future of their state and culture, and tried to find a new direction; Wei Yuan's “師夷長技以制夷”,Chang Chih-t'ung's “中體西用論”, K'ang Yu-wei's “託古改制論”, were the most famous among them. Their approaches, as Professor Lin Yu-sheng points out correctly, focused mainly on culture-intellectualistic sphere, new elements, nevertheless, can be found in their thoughts. For example, both Wei Yuan and Hsu Ch’I-yu tried to awake their compatriots’ consciousness of crisis through a promotion of geographical knowledge. Their efforts were not in vain, even though the rewords came much later. The studies of world as well as Chinese frontier history and geography finally became a fashion during the late nineteenth century, and therefore open a new territory of the Chinese historiography. This article, therefore, aims at analyzing the circumstance of the rise of late Ch'ing historiography, through a comprehensive understanding of the introducing of the western history and geography during the late Ch'ing period.


