  • 期刊


Sex, Yin, Translation: Nooks and Crannies of Sex/Gender Knowledge Reconfiguration in Late Qing China


本文主要從三個例子討論晚清性/別知識重構過程中某些感知框架作為中介的問題。其一,當英文sex尚未普遍譯為「性」時,本文以譚嗣同(1865-1898)《仁學》(1897)為例,觀察他如何討論「淫」而帶出現代視為「性」的內容;其二,本文考察將英文sex翻譯成「性」字之前的一點歷史遺跡,並觀察知識敘述中介之作用;其三,以馬君武(1881-1940)1903年翻譯彌勒約翰(John Stuart Mill, 1806-1873)的文本脈絡,觀察今日視為「自由主義女性主義」理論者曾經如何與社會主義糾結的種種遺跡。透過這三道遺跡的討論,看出中介帶出的特定知識形構,以及遮蔽的事實與關係。本文一方面呈現知識對象,同時分析知識用語,說明這些知識如何並非直接知識,而是經常被西方現代性所構築的「傳統與現代」的關係所中介,且本身又成為這種關係的中介,構築了落地的現代與傳統。


中介 翻譯 譚嗣同 馬君武 彌勒約翰


By looking into three examples, this paper investigates how certain conceptual frameworks were appropriated as mediation to reconfigure the knowledge formations of sex/gender in Late Qing China. First, it examines how Tan Sitong in Ren Xue used "yin" to bring out the content of modern "sex." Second, it explores certain historical traces of how "sex" was translated as "xing" to survey the effects of mediation in knowledge. Third, it traces the contexts of Ma Junwu's translation of John Stuart Mill to observe the remnants of how this "liberal-feminist theorist," as viewed from today, was once intertwined with socialism. Through these remains, this paper demonstrates how "mediation" brings out certain configurations of knowledge while obscuring certain facts and relations. This paper also analyzes specific terms of knowledge to explain that they are not immediate knowledge but, on the contrary, are oftentimes mediated by the modern-traditional relationship organized by Western modernity. This mediated knowledge itself then turns into a mediating interface that simultaneously constitutes the localization of the modern and the traditional.


mediation sex translation Tan Sitong Ma Junwu John Stuart Mill


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