  • 期刊

Studies on Resistance to Breathing



呼吸阻力之測定,在生理學上頗具意義。臨床上常用肺量計測得之呼氣流速,以推斷氣道阻力。因氣道阻力之測定,目前需用極爲複雜之專用儀器。 著者新設計一種呼吸阻力測定方法,裝置簡單、測定方便。本文詳述其設計過程,並與目前傳統測定氣道阻力方法比較,臚列兩法各別之優點與缺點。 本文對於影響呼吸阻力之重要因素,如氣道之長短、直徑,氣流速率,肺容積,呼氣及吸氣,呼吸頻率,氣體密度及大氣壓力,與層流及旋流對呼吸阻力之影響,有所論述。




Chiang, S.T.: Studies on resistance to breathing. Chinese J. Phvsiol. 29(2): 53-64, 1986. Some aspects of resistance to breathing are reviewed in this article. The importance in medicine of the determination of resistance to breathing is emphasized. Estimation of respiratory resistance in clinical practice by spirometry is mentioned. Clinically useful methods for determination of resistance to breathing reported in the literature are reviewed. The body plethysmograph, an instrument specially designed to measure airway resistance and currently used in clinical medicine, is complicated and expensive. A newly designed instrument for measuring total respiratory resistance by partial airway occlusion is strongly recommended. A comparison of the two methods, body plethysmography and partial airway occlusion, has been made. The theory of the partial airway occlusion method is also briefly described. Factors affecting respiratory resistance are analyzed. The relationship between the size of dead space and the magnitude of respiratory resistance is also discussed.
