  • 期刊

Influence of Thermal Stress and Various Agents on the Brain Edema Formation in Rats Following a Cryogenic Brain Lesion



本文觀測氣溫變化與諸製劑對於大白鼠腦浮腫形成之影響。腦浮腫之誘導形成,其方法係將一內含乾冰之冷卻銅柸置于大白鼠之顱(頂)骨上以造成局部腦皮層病灶。置放後分別在半小時,三小時與廿四小時將動物犧牲,取出腦皮層作含水量測定與病理檢查。結果發現若以Sodium Pentobarlbital或lidocaine處理並不能防止腦浮腫之形成。如果先將動物暴置于32℃環境中六小時,然後進行上述實驗,我們發現腦浮腫情形更形惡化。但是如果將動物事先暴置于8℃環境六小時或腹腔給予glycerol,mannitol,gamma-hydroxybutyric acid,metiamide,dexamethasone,aminophylline或ketamine則可以抑制腦浮腫之形成。




Lin,L.S.,W.T.Chiu,C.J.Shih,and M.T.Lin: lnfluence of thermal stress and various agents on the brain edema formation in rats following a cryogenic brain lesion. Chinese J.Physiol.32(1):41-47,1989.The influence of cold stress, heat stress, or various agents on the development of brain edema were assessed in rats following a cryogenic brain lesion. Brain edema was induced by local cold injury to the cortex. Cerebral edema was assessed 0.5, 3.0 or 24 h after a cryogenic brain lesion by measuring the water content of two hemispheres. Pretreatment of animals with sodium pentobarbital(15 or 30mg/kg,i.p.)or lidocaine (15mg/kg,i.p.) did not influence the development of brain edema. In addition, pretreatment with an external heat stress(heat exposure of 32℃ for 6h) exaggerated significantly the development of brain edema in the rat following a cryogenic brain lesion. On the other hand, pretreatment of animals with either external cold stress (cold exposure of 8℃ for 6h), glycerol (10% 10 ml, i.p.), mannitol (15% 10 ml, i.p.), gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (300 mg/kg, i.p.), metiamide (5mg/kg, i.p.), dexamethasone (4mg/kg, i.p.), aminophylline (100mg/kg, i.p.), or ketamine (30mg/kg, i.p.) inhibited significantly the brain edema formation.


brain edema thermal stress glycerol mannitol ketamine
