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Using the Resource-based Learning Approach to Establish the Open Educational Environment for Outside-classroom Learning: The Curating Strategies of the Chinese Calligraphy Promotion Activities at University Libraries




Since 2010, the Library of City University of Hong Kong changed the traditional one-way design model of promotion activities by introducing the resource-based learning approach while exploring how to promote the art of Chinese calligraphy at a university library. The library designed three phrases to let the beginners to learn Chinese calligraphy step by step by employing multimedia and group study, which not only narrowing the gap between the ancient literature and the modern readers but also converting the static display of Chinese calligraphy works into a dynamic learning experience. This article analyzed and concluded the practical experience and strategy development of the promotion activities at the Library of City University of Hong Kong. We hope it would be a good reference for other libraries in planning and organization of similar promotion activities.


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