  • 期刊

A New Record and Invasive Species in Taiwan-Clidemia hirta (L.) D. Don

臺灣新紀錄與擴散植物-毛野牡丹(Clidemia hirta (L.) D. Don)


本文報導臺灣新紀錄與擴散植物-毛野牡丹(Clidemia hirta (L.) D. Don)。毛野牡丹屬(Clidemia)亦是臺灣新記錄屬。毛野牡丹目前僅出現屏東縣內埔,其伴生優勢樹種為相思樹及莿竹林。毛野牡丹屬有別於其他相關種類,主要的不同點在於側脈延自於葉基部,以及果實為漿果。本文提供野牡丹科13個屬的檢索表、分類處理、形態描述與植物繪圖。


A new record species, Clidemia hirta (L.) D. Don, is reported from Pingtung county, southern Taiwan. This represents the first generic record of Clidemia in Taiwan. Only one C. hirta population was collected in the secondary forest dominated by Acacia confusa Merr., Bambusa stenostachya Hackel etc. It is easy to distinguish this species from the other related taxa by having the lateral veins extending from the leaf base and fruits as berries. A key to the Melastomataceae, the taxonomic treatment, morphological description, line drawing and photographs are provided here.


SAMARASINGHE, B. C. P., JAYASURIYA, K. G., GUNARATNE, A. T. A., DIXON, K. W., & SENANAYAKA, M. (2022). Seed biology and early seedling developmental traits of Clidemia hirta, an invasive species of Sri Lankan rainforests compared to two native species sharing the same habitat. TAIWANIA, 67(1), 73-82. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2022.67.73
