  • 期刊

Gelatinomyces conus sp. nov. (Ascomycota, Leotiomycetes): a new bambusicolous fungal species from North-East India


This study represents a newly discovered and described macro-fungal species under family Leotiomycetes (Ascomycota) named as Gelatinomyces conus sp. nov. The fungal species was collected from decayed bamboo material (leaves, culms and branches) during the survey in Upper Assam, India. It looks like a pine-cone with gelatinous ascostroma. The asci are thin-walled and arise in scattered discoid apothecia which are aggregated and clustered to form round gelatinous structure on decayed bamboo material. The study also brings the first record of fungal species from north east region of India. A taxonomic description, illustrations and isolation and culture of Gelatinomyces conus sp. nov. are provided in this study.


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