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A new subspecies of Celastrus (Celastraceae) from the Palni hills of South India


Celastrus paniculatus Willd. ssp. angladeanus S.J. Britto, B. Mani and S. Thomas new subspecies from the Palni hills, Western Ghats of Tamilnadu, South India is described and illustrated. The new ssp. is similar to Celastrus paniculatus ssp. aggregatus but differs in flame-coloured branchlets, terminal, erect and stiff panicles exceeding leaves, prominent gibbous and oblique capsules, flowers polygamous but predominantly pistillate and 3-seeded capsules.


Matthew, K.M. 1996. Illustrations on the Flora of the Palni Hills, South India, Rapinat Herbarium, St. Joseph's College, Tiruchirappalli. 120-122.
Matthew, K.M. 1999. The Flora of the Palni hills South India, Rapinat Herbarium, St. Joseph's College, Tiruchirappalli. 216-217.
Wadhwa, B.M. 1996. Celeastraceae in: M.D. Dassanayake and W. D. Clayton (eds.) A Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon 10: 80-82. Amrind publishing Company Private Limited, New Delhi.
Hou, Ding 1955 Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, Vol. 42, No. 3 (Sep., 1955), pp. 215-302.
Hou, Ding 1962. Celastraceae in Fl. Malesiana ser. I., 6(2): 233-238.


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