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A new species of Primulina (Gesneriaceae) from Danxia landform in Jiangxi, China


Based on morphological observations and comparisons, a new species of Primulina (Gesneriaceae), P. inflata Li.H. Yang & M.Z. Xu, is described and illustrated. This new species resembles P. xiuningensis in leaf blade shape and indumentum, and differs from the latter by the white corolla with longitudinally purple-red stripes (vs. yellowish without stripes), inflated tubular corolla tube (vs. tubular) and straight filament (vs. geniculate). The descriptions, illustrations and photographs of this new species are provided here.


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CHEN, D. Y., ZENG, X. H., CAI, W. L., WU, X. G., GAO, Y. Y., & XU, G. L. (2024). Primulina adenopoda (Gesneriaceae), a new species from the limestone karst area of Jiangxi Province, China. TAIWANIA, 69(1), 74-82. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2024.69.74
XU, G. L., CHEN, T. R., WU, X. G., CAI, W. L., ZHUO, X. H., ZENG, N. G., & DING, L. (2023). Primulina arcuata, a new species of Primulina (Gesneriaceae) from the Danxia Landform in Jiangxi, China. TAIWANIA, 68(4), 391-397. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2023.68.391
