  • 期刊

由土壤性質探討石灰氮氣之施用法 第二報

A Study on the Application of Calcium Cyanamide to Soils (Ⅱ)


It has been observed in the previous investigation, that the rate of CN2, HCN2 ions remowal were more rapid from an acid soil with high buffer capacity, and the toxicity thus induced by this fertilizer may be accordingly reduced. It was also stated that for a soil with high exchange capacity, high percentage of base unsaturation and high lime requirement value, a greater effect through the application of calcium cyanamide may be expected. In the present investigation, both field and pot experiments of rice with various treatments of calcium cyanamide and sulfate of ammonia, as shown in Table 3, were made with three acid soils and one alkali soil. The physical and chemical properties of these soils are tabulated in Table 1 and 2. The yields in grain and straw from the• experimental prots were analyzed statistically and investigated. The results thus obtained may be summarized as follows: 1. Similar results were obtained in both of the field and pot experiments. The field experiment, however, gave a more significant and concrete values than those of the pot experiment. 2. In acid soils, no significant difference may be found between the yields of calcium cyanamide plot and those of the ammonium sulfate p1.ot of which the similar quantities of nitrogen were app1ied. While in the alkali soil, the yield of ammonium sulphate plot was found to be significantly higher than that of the calcium cyanamide plot. It was also found in the field expeiment of alkali soil that by doubling the amount of calcium cyanamide, the yie1d was increased and no rema-rkab'e toxicity effect due to the added alkalinity may be observed. No diffence in the yield between this plot and that of ammonium sulphate with only half of nitrogen, applied also may be noticed. 3. The rate of increase in yield through the additional supply of calcium cyanamide was comparatively greater in an acid soil with high exchange capacity and high lime requirement value. 4. In the alkali soil, applying calcium cyanamide as a top dressing manure gave a significantly higher yield than applying this fertilizer as a base manure. This may probably due to two reasons: 1. Applying one forth of the amount of calcium cyanamide in one time as a top dressing may reduce the toxicity of cyanamide in the alkali soil. 2. Reducing the loss of nitrogen in the experiment field which is low in clay and humus content.


