  • 期刊


Mango Anthracnose and Its Control Experiment (with Reference to the Dropping of Young Fruits)


1. This experiment was carried out at Fengshan from December 1949 to the July of 1950. The purpose of this experiment is in measuring the effectiveness Bordeaux mixture and lime sulfur to control Mango anthracnose (Collectetrichum gloeosporioides Penz.), an epidemical disease of Mango (Mngifera indica, L.). 2. Anthracnose (or black spat) always causes a great damage of Mango fruits after harvesting. 3. There are 28.33 per cent of young dropping fruits and 72.34 per cent of rippen fruits being estimated due to anthracnose. 4. The spray schedule was held once biweekly, began at the time of the flower cluster blooming and ended a week before harvesting. The Concentration of Bordeaux mixture applied in this experiment was 0.5 per cent, (approximately equivlent to the formula 2-2-50) and that of lime sulfur was 0.2 Be'. 5. The application of Bordeaux mixture reduced the diseased fruits to 84 per cent, The percentage of maturing fruits obtained by Bordeaux mixture spraying was 15.70 while that of lime sulfur applied in comparison with untreated trees were 8.78% and 5.689 respectively. 6. In view of Spring and Winter are dry seasons at Fengshan the application of fungicides once or twice a month are satisfactory. 7. The phase of the young fruit dropping which is of physiological importance was also observed during the period of this experiment.




