  • 期刊


Studies on Forcing Culture of Golden Muscat Grapevine (Vitis Viniferax Vitis Labrusca) 1. Investigation of Bud Differentiation and Fruitfuleess.






The progressive bud differentiation and fruiting potential of bud 2 to bud 9 on new fruiting shoot of Golden Muscat grapevine at Er-lin town were inspected by stereomicroscope with an aim to improve its wine quality in forcing culture. It was found that bunch primordia commenced within 45 days after bud burst in spring, coinciding with flowering period, and maximized in number with anbther 30 and 60 days for basal 5 nodes and node 6-8, respectively, but the primordia did not develop into full size until July 15. The highest number of bunch primordia is obtained at bud 6, bud 7, bud 8 and bud 9 and the best size of the primordia is observed node at node 6, node 7 and node 8, indicating the highest fruiting potential of these three nodes. However the fruting potential of these new shoots is generally low, and estimated to be only 10% of possibility to harvest 2 good crops a year, 20% of possibility to harvest one good and one medium crops, 10% chance of 2 medium crops, 30% only one medium crop and 30% no harvest at all, under forcing culture with the present manage ment system, Besides the heat summation is not enough for two good crops a year. Therefore, it is recommended to consider new trellising and training system, such as Lyre system etc., to improve the canopy of vineyard and get the maxium photosys thesis to give a good both in guantity and guality, crop either in summer or autumn, instead of trying to harvest two crops a year with Golden Muscat in Er-lin twon.


