  • 期刊


Studies on the Adaptability of Bupleurum falcatum L. cv. Tainung No. 1 and Its Officinal Value of Various Plant Parts


本研究以三島柴胡臺農1號爲材料,探討其在不同溫度環境及不同海拔地區之農藝性狀表現及根部之生產能力,同時比較不同採收時期下植株各部位之產量及有效成分差異,藉以開發除了根部外,其他植株部位之利用價值。 試驗結果顯示,三島柴胡臺農1號利用塑膠杯式之生產方式不如田間定植栽培,且於植物生長箱兩種定溫環境下之生長效果不如自然田間環境。在不同海拔之影響方面,以中海拔之羅娜區植株性狀之表現最好,而根產量則與春陽相當,兩者同時顯著高於其他二區,羅娜區根之公頃產量依次爲高海拔梅峰區及平地本所試區之1.11及1.31倍,差異達顯著水準。在不同採收時期之影響方面,以一年生植株之性狀表現及根產量最佳,六月生植株之收量雖只達一年生者之80%,但其根內有效成分卻較一年生根爲高,達14%,這是將來擴大生產三島柴胡臺農1號,其最適採收期的決定因素之一。綜合比較本所、羅娜及生長箱三處試區臺農1號六月生植株之地上部與地下部之收量及有效成分含量差異可知,植株莖、葉及花序之平均收量約爲其地下根部之8.76倍,且其有效成分平均含量亦爲地下根部之4.06倍,此無疑地將加大三島柴胡臺農1號全株之利用空間。


The influence of environmental factors, i.e., temperature and altitude, on the agronomic characters and yield performance of Bupleurum falcatum L. cv. Tainung No. 1 were studied. Evaluation was also made on the above-ground organs for their medicinal utilization possibility as compared to the root organ. Experimental results indicated that the root yield of B. falcatum cv. Tainung No. 1 cultivated in plastic pots or at fixed temperatures in the growth chamber was lower than that from the field plants. The most favorable altitude for cultivation was about 800 m at Lo-Na as root yield at this location was 1.11 andl.31 times higher than those at Mei-Fung (2,200 m) and TART (85 m), respectively. Results from comparison of harvesting dates at Lo-Na showed that although root yield of the six month-old plants was 20 % lower than that of the one year-old plants, its saponin production was 14 % higher. The high saponin yield could be used as an important criterion in determining proper harvest stage of the species for economic consideration. Experiment conducted at Lo-Na and TART and in growth chamber revealed that yields of biomass and saponin of the stems, flowers and leaves of six month-old plants were 8.76 and 4.06 times the values of the roots. The results strongly suggested the possibility of utilizing the above-ground plant parts for medicinal purposes.
