  • 期刊


Effects of Plant Number per Hole on Growth and Development of Homogeneous and Hetergeneous Soybean Populations


由於本省大豆種植方式普遍為每穴種植二株,可能造成同穴植株間之競爭壓力,因而影響產量及育種選拔效果,又因兼顧雜交早期分離世代為不同基因型之異質族群,後期品系世代之同一試區或系行為相同基因型之同質族群,故本試驗針對此種植株間競爭壓力改變及早後期世代之不同遺傳背景兩大要素進行探討,以供栽培及育種選拔參考,試驗結果: 1.同質與異質族群有顯著差異之性狀為植株乾物重及粒數,而產量性狀則未有顯著差異,可知早期與後期世代之植株問競爭方式對產量選拔未有顯著影響。 2.每穴種植株數所影響性狀與穴距相同,每穴種植二株較每穴種植一株具有顯著較高植株、較少分枝數、較低植株乾物重、較少粒數、較大之收穫指數、較低單株產量及較高小區產量。 3.在單位面積一定株數下,每穴株數與穴距對產量之影響未有顯著差異,故每穴種植二株之植株競爭壓力,可因穴距加大之緩衝,而對早期或後期世代之育種選拔無顯著之影響。


大豆 每穴株數 單植 混植 同質 異質 競爭


Soybean (Glycine max L.) cultivars KS 8 and TNG 15, different in colors of flowers and young stern as genotypic markers were grown both in monoculture and mixture under various spacings. They were arranged in a way so that the effects of 1- and 2-plant per hole and hole distance on the selection effectiveness of early or latter segregating generation populations can be determined. Resaults indicated that there were significant difference between the plants of monoculture and mixture on the total dry weight and seed number. Whereas, seed yields and other characteristicss, such as plant height, nod and branch numbers, days to maturity, 100-seed weight, and harvest index, were found no significant differences. Plants grown 2-plant per hole had higher plant height, total dry weight, and harvest index with fewer branches and seed numbers than those grown in 1-plant per hole. Similar effects occurred with different hole distances. Furthermore, it was shown that selection for soybean yield was not affected by plant numbers per hole and hole distances if the same population size per unit ground area was used.
