  • 期刊


Occurrence of Garlic Latent Virus in Taiwan and Its Biological Characterization


從大陸進口的北蒜中分離出來的一個病毒單株,經鑑定是大蒜潛隱病毒(garlic latent virus, GLV)。其寄主範圍包括大蒜、洋葱、葱、韭等葱科作物,但呈無病徵系統性感染,唯不感染韭葱;其他寄主反應包括:紅藜、Chenopodium quinoa、及番杏接種葉的局部病斑,豌豆的局部潛隱感染,蠶豆的系統性壞疽等。但對供試的千日紅、孤挺花、百合、水仙、菸草(五種)、酸漿等皆不感染。經試驗GLV之耐熱性爲55-60℃,耐稀釋性爲10^(-3)-10^(-4),耐保存性是3-4天。以C. quinoa接種葉的局部病斑爲材料進行病毒純化,經硫酸絕等密度平衡離心,所得病毒試料之紫外光吸收光譜,最高值在258nm,最低值在243nm,其比值爲1.084;260nm的吸收值與280nm的吸收值之比是1.25。經電子顯微鏡觀察,GLV的顆粒是較直的絲狀,長度大都在600-700nm之間。以膠體電泳分析測定鞘蛋白之分子量,估計爲30.7K。由以上特性顯示GLV具有典型carlavirus的性狀。經注射白兔製備抗血清,結果以瓊脂擴散反應測定,抗GLV血清只與同源抗體反應,且力價達1/4。以間接法免疫酵素分析顯示GLV與日本GLV-S(蕗蕎分離株)之反應一致,且與本省葱科分離株及韭分離株都有交叉反應;應用於田間大蒜植株檢定,抗體稀釋至1/1000仍有效。因此以夾層抗體法免疫酵素分析測定大蒜鱗莖帶GLV之情形,結果在1386個檢體中有413個呈陽性反應;至於田間大蒜株的病毒發生調查,採樣655株中,有146株葉片呈陽性反應,而GLV在臺灣的發生無地區性差異,唯在白葉或軟骨的大蒜品系有較高的發生率。


Garlic latent virus (GLV) was isolated from plants of ”northern garlic”, which seed- bulbs were imported from mainland China in 1989. It caused symptomless infection on garlic, onion, shallot, Welsh onion, Chinese leek, and pea, local lesions on Chenopodium amaranticolor, C. quinoa, and Tetragonia expansa, or systemic necrosis on broad bean, but did not infect leek, narcissus, lily, belldonna lily, tobacco (5 species), Gornphrena globosa, and Physalis floridana in host range test. The virus was propagated in Chinese leek and assayed in C. amaranticolor; thermal inactivation point (TIP) is 55-60℃, dilution end point (DEP) is 10^(-3)-10^(-4), and longevity in vitro is 3-4 days. Purified preparation was obtained from GLV inoculated leaves of C. quinoa by cesium sulfate isopycnic centrifugation. The ultraviolet absorption spectrum of GLV is typical of a nucleoprotein, with maximum at 258 nm, minium at 243 nm, Amax/Amin ratio is 1.084, and A260/A280 ratio is 1.25. For the most part of GLV particles in purified preparation are slightly straight filaments with length of 600-700 nm. Molecular weight of capsid protein monomer estimated by SDS-PAGE is 30,700 daltons. Antiserum against GLV was prepared by injecting purified virion to a rabbit. In SDS-immunodiffusion tests, the antiserum reacted only with homologous antigen and its titer was 1/4. Indirect ELISA showed that GLV was serologically identical to GLV-S (a Japanese scallion isolate) and cross-reacted with a Welsh onion isolate or a Chinese leek isolate. For virus indexing in garlic, a 1/1000 dilution of leaf sap was positively detected by ELISA. Consequently, a survey for GLV occurrence by DAS-ELISA was conducted in 1988-1991. A total of 1,386 garlic bulbs purchased from markets or collected from fields, 413 samples were reacted with antibody against GLV; and GLV was also detected in 146 leaf samples out of 655 plants collected from garlic fields. It was indifferent in the frequence of virus distribution on garlic growing areas of Taiwan but GLV was prevalent on white leaf varieties of garlic.


Allium garlic latent virus GLV carlavirus host antiserum occurrence
