  • 期刊


Methods of Measuring Seed Fillness in Peanut


本省種植之大粒型落花生品種,籽粒常有不飽滿的現象,而籽粒飽滿度的測定,目前尚無一定標準。本研究採用臺灣省農業試驗所保存之落花生種源爲試驗材料,四個類型各逢機選取20個品種,分別調查莢果及籽粒性狀,比較下列三種籽粒飽滿度測定方法:(1)乾籽粒體積/鮮莢果體積;(2)18/64時篩網選獲之籽粒重/單株乾籽粒重;(3)種皮不皺縮乾籽粒重/單株乾籽粒重,以期選出最優之籽粒飽滿度評價方法。 試驗結果顯示:三種不同的測定方法反應不同的飽滿度值及測定意義,(1)、(2)、(3)法分別著重在籽粒充實度、籽粒大小及種皮不皺縮等特性上。其中,(1)及(3)法在Virginia Bunch型;(2)及(3)法在Spanish、Virginia Bunch及Runner型均有顯著之相關。就生理研究的觀點而言,(1)法較爲可靠;然就消費市場評價標準,以及考慮育種選拔之操作方便,則以(3)法較爲適當。


落花生 飽滿度


Eighty peanut varieties were randomly sampled from 1,352 peanut germplasms, preserved at TARI, in the fall crop season of 1990. Pod and seed traits were investigated on single plant basis for comparison on the following measuring methods of seed fillness: (1) dry seed volumn/fresh pod volumn; (2)weight of dry seed screened by 18/64 inch screen/dry seed weight; (3) weight of nonshrivelling seed/dry seed weight. Experimental results showed that different measuring methods provided different responses and meanings of seed fillness. Method (1), (2) and (3) emphasized on seed-filling capacity, seed size and nonshrivelling seed, respectively. There were significantly and positively correlated between method (1) and (3) in Virginia Bunch type; and method (2) and (3) in Spanish, Virginia Bunch and Runner type. Method (1) was considered as the most reliable measurement for crop physiological study, while methed (3) was the most convenient measurement for marketable evaluation and plant breeding.


Peanut Arachis hypogaea L. Fillness
