  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Functions and Regulation of Insulin-like Growth Factors (IGFs) in Fish





It is believed that the burgeoning human demand for a proteinaceous diet can be capitulate from aquaculture. Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) are a group of somatotropic hormones play pivotal role in fish integrated with GH for growth, differentiation, metabolism, smoltification, sexual maturation and spawning. The ligands of IGF system, molecular structure, limiting factors modulate IGFs actions in fish are described in this review. Accumulated in vivo and in vitro studies proved that IGF-Ⅰ and IGF-Ⅱ are involved in all the above functions, nevertheless, their expression, mode of action and amalgamation with IGFBPs, IGF-receptors was varied based on their developmental stage, sex, physiological status, nutrition availability, environmental condition and concentration. IGF-Ⅰ and IGF-Ⅱ expression were noticed in all developmental states (including unfertilized egg) and adult. During developmental the expression was noticed universally in all sites, however after differentiation liver plays pivotal role than other organs, between IGF-Ⅰ and IGF-Ⅱ expression, the leader secrete more in liver and the ultimate secreted more in extrahepatic tissues with certain exceptions. In addition, the importances of detailed study in various deficient areas are discussed.


