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Mechanism on the Stabilization of Tuna Meat by Lactic Acid Bacteria



乳酸菌(Lactic acid bacteria, LAB)能使鮪魚肌肉維持鮮紅而不產生褐變,了解該類乳酸菌使鮪魚肌肉維持鮮紅而不產生褐變之機制,擬探討是否因乳酸菌如Lactobacillus fermentum BCRC 11698、BCRC 12190及BCRC 10360產生一氧化氮合成(NO synthase),生成NO後,將肌紅蛋白轉變為亞硝基肌紅蛋白(nitrosomyoglobin)所致。依序進行LAB生成NO synthase之能力、肌紅蛋白衍生物之最大吸光波長掃描、純Mb及鮪魚肉浸漬於LAB培養濾液時,Mb或oxyMb轉換為NOMb之情形等實驗。Lactobacillus fermentum BCRC 11698, 12190和10360之NO synthase活性均隨培養時間增加而上升,在第8小時培養時達最高,其中以L. fermentum BCRC 10360之活性最高。根據波長掃描發現Mb、oxyMb、metMb及NOMb之最大吸光波長分別為418 (Mb)、544和582 (oxyMb)、410 (metMb)與548和579 nm(NOMb)。在探究LAB產生的NO synthase硝化肌紅蛋白之能力方面,以純肌紅蛋白(pureMb)與經過不同時間培養之L. fermentum培養液作用,發現肌紅蛋白硝化為亞硝基肌紅蛋白之現象隨培養時間增加而增加,並在第8~12小時達到最高。L. fermentum使鮪魚肌肉維持鮮紅而不產生褐變之機制,主要是經由培養液中之NO synthase作用產生NO再與myoglobin及oxymyoglobin作用生成安定且為鮮紅色之nitrosomyoglobin。


In order to investigate the mechanism of keeping red color by LAB, production of nitric oxide (NO) synthase by LAB, determination of the maxima absorbances for Mb, oxy-Mb and NOMb, conversion of Mb or oxy-Mb into nitrosomyoglobin (NOMb) during immersion of tuna meat in LAB broth were performed. Comparing 3 strains of LAB, Lactobacillus fermentum BCRC 11698, 12190, and 10360, the NO synthase activity increased with the incubation and reached highest levels after 8 h incubation. However, the highest NO synthase activity was obtained in Lactobacillus fermentum BCRC10360 after 8 h incubation at 37℃. According to the absorbance scanning against wavelength, the Mb, oxyMb, metMb and NOMb had maximum absorbance at 418 (Mb), 544 and 582 (oxyMb), 410 (metMb) and 548 & 579 nm (NOMb), respectively. For investigating the converting ability of NO synthase produced by LAB, pure Mb was added in the LAB broth. It was found that the conversion of Mb to NOMb increased with the cultivation and reached highest level after 8-12 h incubation. Similar phenomenon was observed in the addition of tuna meat in LAB broths. These results suggested that the keeping red color of tuna meat from browning in LAB broth is dus to the nitrosylation of Mb or oxyMb by NO synthase in broth.


myoglobin nitrosomyoglobin L. fermentum NO synthase
