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Morphological Observation on the Early Larval Development of Thalamita danae (Crustacea, Decapoda, Portunidae)

少刺短槳蟹Thalamita danae之初期幼苗形態發育觀察


少刺短槳蟹Thalamita danae屬梭子蟹科Portunidae。廣泛分布於印度-西太平洋海域,為澎湖潮間帶常見之蟹類。本研究主要是對其幼生期做形態發育之研究,以提供未來海洋蟹類幼苗鑑定之分類參考。實驗之種蟹係由澎湖縣烏崁里及合界村附近海域之潮間帶捕獲。帶回之種蟹飼養於室內54 I (60×30×30 cm)水族缸中,鹽度32~33‰,水溫維持在26~28℃,並以相同條件進行孵化。孵化之幼苗以Tetraselmis chui、Brachionus plicatilis及Artemia salina投餵。目前已觀察結果四期蚤狀幼體(Zoea)的變態過程。其主要外部形態特徵如下:Z-1:頭胸甲長平均為0.37 mm,不具眼柄;第一觸角頂端具有3根感覺毛。第1、2顎足外肢各有4根羽狀毛。Z-2:頭胸甲長平均為0.48 mm,具眼柄;第一觸角頂端感覺毛增加為6根。第1、2顎足外肢末端之羽狀毛均增加至6根。Z-3:頭胸甲長平均為0.56 mm,側棘縮短;第1、2顎足外肢末端皆為8根羽狀毛。Z-4:頭胸甲長平均為0.68 mm,第一觸角之感覺毛增加到8根。2對顎足外肢各有10根羽狀毛。


The major morphological characters are as follow: Z-1: Carapace length (CL)=0.37 mm; sessile eyes; 3 aesthetascs in front of Antennule; Anterior of the first and second Maxilliped exopod both with 4 plumose setae. Z-2: CL=0.48 mm; eyes stalked; there are 6 aesthetascs in front of Antennule; the first and second Maxilliped exopod both increased into 6 plumose setae. Z-3: CL=0.56 mm; the lateral spine becomes short. The first and second Maxilliped exopod are all with 8 plumose setae. Z-4: CL=0.68 mm; the aesthetascs of Antennule become 8; two pairs of Maxilliped exopod all with 10 plumose setae.


Morphological Larval development Portunidae Zoea
