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Astrological Signs, Personality and Attitude toward Advertising: An Empirical Study


星座話題持續發燒,星座命理節目收視率往往居高不下;而星座更是佔據每天各大報及捷運報的大幅版面,商品若是跟星座扯上邊亦是人氣紅不讓,這些現象在我們周圍日復一日不斷上演。本研究之主要目的乃以實證研究精神來探討-星星到底知不知道我的心?透過1523位具代表性之樣本來揭開星座的神秘面紗,檢視星座在廣告態度上和人格特質上的關聯與差異,並驗證星座之預測力是否真正禁的起統計檢驗,亦或只是從神話(myth)到迷思(myth)的符號文化美學現象(Barth, 1967; 1973)?本研究以探索性因素分析(EFA)淬取出四個構面的人格特質:關羽型、曹操型、孔明型、劉備型;廣告態度亦抽離出三個構面:支持優良廣告群、理智正義之士群、杯葛不良廣告群;而星座則用傳統的十二星座及四大星象當作分析的主要自變項。結果顯示星座及星象在廣告態度上和人格特質上均無顯著差異。十二星座中唯處女座可顯著預測孔明型人格特質,而水瓶座在關羽型人格內涵上呈現顯著負向關聯,雙魚和天秤座可顯著預測「支持優良廣告群」的態度構面,但解釋力卻非常微小。整體而言,人格特質遠比星座能有效區辨及預測受訪樣本的廣告態度。


Discussion regarding astrology is currently hot and dominates the space and time in the daily media. In the light of astrological theories, they assume a link between an individual’s personality traits and the positions of the sun, moon, and planets in the Zodiac at the moment of birth. Previous research has examined the relation of personality traits to the astrological signs, but the attitude toward advertising have not been studied in relation to astrology, which especially are used more and more in advertising as persuasive appeals. The purpose of this study is empirically to examine the relation among astrological signs, personality and attitude toward advertising by using 1523 representative samples from Taiwan. The findings indicate that the predictive power of astrology toward personality and advertising’s attitude is very minimal. In a nutshell, personality traits significantly account for more variance on attitude toward advertising than astrological signs do, so does the predictive power. Results from this study suggest that astrology is just a good example of the evolution from a myth to the myth in terms of Roland Barthes' semiology and mythologies.


吳昭霖(2012)。應用SVR預測顧客流失之研究 - 以醫學美容產業為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0023-1807201200495200
