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The Communist Party of China's Military Network Ideology and Politics Educational Development Orientation is Visited for the First Time in the 21(superscript st) Century


堅持「思想政治教育」,是中共歷代領導核心建軍治軍的一貫思想與重要原則。中共強調:思想政治教育並非無產階級軍隊的專利,自古以來各國軍隊都有思想政治教育;並自詡中國人民解放軍更具有此一教育的特殊優勢。 邁入二十一世紀資訊網路時代,面對新環境、新任務、新問題,中共為適應新世紀新階段軍隊革命化、現代化與正規化建設的要求,加強改進和規範共軍思想政治教育,以及現階段如何運用最新資訊科技,加速共軍網路思想政治教育之建構,以擴大全軍思想政治教育成效,實為新世紀中共軍事現代化的重要指標。 目前,共軍思想政治教育資訊網路化建設正處肇建階段,其發展全貌尚未定型,為能先期探索共軍思想政治教育未來走向,因此,本文擬就:「共軍『思想政治教育』的緣起與本質」、「共軍建構網路思想政治教育的依據」、「共軍網路思想政治教育的原則與內容」、「共軍開展網路思想政治教育的途徑」等四大面向,作一初探性之研析。


March toward 21(superscript st) century information cyber times, in the face of new environment, new tasks, new problems, more revolutionary, modernization and requirement for regular construction in order to meet the new stage army in the new century of the Communist Party of China, strengthen, improve and standardize the Communist Party of China military ideological and political education, and how to use the latest message science and technology the present stage, accelerate the building and constructing of the Communist Party of China's military network ideological and political education, in order to expand the national military ideological and political education effect, it is the important indicator with modernized military affairs of the Communist Party of China in the new century in fact. Build the stage of first building in the straight place in the Communist Party of China's military ideological and political education information networking at present, its overall picture of development has not finalized the design yet, in order to explore its future development trend of military ideological and political education, this text draws up: the Communist Party of China's military ideological and political education gneisses, the Communist Party of China army builds the basis of constructing ideological and political education of network, the Communist Party of China military network principle, content and the Communist Party of China army of ideological and political education launch network route of ideological and political education, etc. face while being four major, do the grinding and analyzing of a visiting for the first time.
