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The Military Communication Research in the Digital Era


軍事傳播學涵蓋了軍事與傳播,而軍事的研究是與戰爭是脫離不了關係。儘管衝突與戰爭與人類如影相隨,但有關軍事傳播的系統性研究卻一直到20世紀中期以後才開始大量的出現。 本研究採取文獻分析法,試圖對於在數位時代下的軍事傳播學研究作一檢視,藉以瞭解:軍事傳播學研究的發展歷程,以及其定義與研究範圍為何?是何種因素促成軍事傳播學研究內涵與範圍的改變?在數位化時代下,隨著傳播研究典範與理論的轉移,特別是傳統大眾傳播研究,對於軍事傳播學研究帶來了那些的啟發?隨著數位化時代的來臨,軍事傳播學研究的研究主題與面臨的挑戰有那些? 本研究計有五大單元,依序為前言;軍事傳播學的定義與發展歷程;傳播學術典範的發展與轉移對軍事傳播學研究的啟發與影響;數位時代下軍事傳播學研究面臨的挑戰;結論。


The academic field of military communication contains military and communication. There is a close relationship between military research and war. Despite the fact that conflict and war follow mankind every step of the way, much research did not appear until the mid-twentieth century. By using documentary research method, this study is intended to examine the following research questions: what are the evolution, definition, and research areas of military communication research? What kind of factors facilitate the changes of nature and areas of military communication research? What are inspirations of transfer of communication paradigm and theory, particularly the traditional mass communication research, on military communication research in the digital era? In terms of coming of digital era, what challenges are faced by the military communication research? The study has been divided into five parts, including introduction; the definition and evolution of military communication; the inspirations and influences of communication research paradigm's development and transfer on military communication research; the challenges faced by the military communication research; and conclusion.


