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A Study on How China Expands Its Media Channels in the International Community for Changing Public Opinion


隨著經濟全球化,衍生出媒體所有權的高度集中於少數跨國傳媒集團,乃肇致國際資訊不平衡的現象。當這種國際資訊不平衡的問題日趨嚴重,對於崛起中的中共而言,自是極為嚴峻且亟待解決的問題。 但更讓中共憂心的是其假想敵-美國,卻宰制了全球資訊將近90%的供給與分配;特別是隨著中共國力的日漸強大,而引起周邊國家有所謂「中國威脅論」的疑慮時,這種國際資訊的失衡,對於中共而言,不啻是雪上加霜。因此,如何突破國際傳播格局,拓展傳播管道,增加新聞輿論影響力,是中共當前首要解決的問題。 本文將透過文獻分析的方式,首將針對國際資訊流通失衡的概況及其對中共影響做梳理;次則針對中共面對國際資訊失衡的狀況下,從宏觀地角度探討其拓展傳播管道的作法;最後,則針對中共拓展傳播渠道爭取國際「話語權」,提出評論。


As the world's economy becomes increasingly globalized, the media ownership has been tightly controlled by a few international media conglomerates, resulting in a monopoly of media reports. Such a monopoly of the international media is regarded as a threat to China as an emerging power and it needs to be solved immediately. What worries china is the fact that the United States controls 90% of the supply of the global information. As China grows economically and militarily, the so-called ”China threat” has been reinforced by international media. In order to turn the tide in the international public opinion, China tries to expand its media channels. Using the method of literature analysis, this study explores the status quo of the information industry in the world and its impact on China. Another focus is on China’s countermeasures to the monopoly of information dissemination in the international community. The final part of the study tries to sort out the points relevant to Taiwan, as China tries to break the blockage of American media and have its say in the world's public opinion.


