This research presents the reasons of pack journalism and receiving situation of audience from a point of view of cultural study. The researcher uses secondary analysis to figure out the causes of pack journalism which are the media competitive environment and rating-journalism. This study describes the origins, performance, and effects of homogeneous news. On the other hand, it also argues three dimensional weaknesses of news homogenization which are economy, time, and emotion. Otherwise the researcher claims that there are two deficiencies of Taiwanese media which are narrow sources and dramatic news. Moreover, this study is based on multi-dimensional reception model to examine the impact of the case of Hung, Chung-Chiu. By in-depth interviews, this study finds out that the audience is concerned about the news which is related to their personal experience and background. If they are interested in the topic of the news, they are willing to watch the homogenous news. However, pack journalism could be used to propagate an idea or a concept, but if it is used in criminal news topic, then it will cause public panic. Eventually, the conclusion points out that there is a positive relation between the amount of news and the number of participants which joined the social campaign.