  • 期刊


Thermal Properties of Aluminum-Graphite Composites


本研究利用鱗片石墨在基面的優異熱導性質,結合鋁金屬與石墨成為複合材料,應用於熱管封裝材上。由於鱗片石墨擁有非常低的密度、石墨表面與鋁金屬間潤濕性差以及具有異向性等特性,在許多製程上容易造成混合不均勻、孔洞產生、無法控制石墨排列等問題。因此本實驗將鱗片石墨與鋁粉混合,經由真空熱壓進行半固液相燒結方式,改善上述之問題並製備鋁基-石墨複合材料。結果顯示石墨鋁複合材料隨石墨體積含量由10 vol.%至70 vol.%時,燒結體之相對密度可達98%、開放孔隙率約為3%;當石墨含量高於80 vol.% 以上時,由於石墨含量上升,阻礙鋁的擴散造成孔隙率大幅增加。當石墨添加量為10~90 vol.%時,鋁基-石墨複合材料之熱容量由0.992 J/g.K上升到1.043 J/g.K、熱擴散係數由136 mm^2/s提高到340 mm^2/s、熱傳導係數由338.20提升至757 W/m.K,但在石墨90 vol.%時,因孔隙率過高而造成熱傳導係數下降。鋁基-石墨複合材料平行石墨基面方向之熱膨脹係數則由16.89 ppm/K降低至-2.51 ppm/K,垂直於基面之熱膨脹係數由15.19 ppm/K降低至10.06 ppm/K。實驗結果亦觀察到,在孔隙率較低的試片當中,熱傳導性質符合Parallel Model 理論的估算;複合材料中石墨a軸方向之熱膨脹係數接近混合法則之理論估計,顯示鋁與石墨依體積百分比貢獻對熱傳導與熱膨脹特性的影響,而複合材料中石墨c軸方向之熱膨脹係數則相近於Turner Model之理論計算,顯示石墨在c軸方向有吸收鋁膨脹之能力。


In this study, natural flake graphite (NFG) was combined with aluminum to form graphite/aluminum composites. The low density and poor wettability of NFG with aluminum can cause difficulty in manufacturing these composite materials. Therefore, a vacuum hot press in semisolid/ liquid state is employed. Results show that the relative density reaches 98% for composites containing 10~70 vol.% graphite. With an increase of flake graphite composition from 10 to 90 vol.%, the heat capacity increases from 0.992 to 1.043 J/ g.K; thermal diffusivity increases from 136 to 340 mm^2/s; thermal conductivity increases from 338.20 to 757 W/m.K; the coefficients of thermal expansion (CTE) in direction parallel to basal planes of NFG decrease from 16.89 to -2.51 ppm/ K, while the CTE perpendicular to basal planes decreases from 15.19 to 10.06 ppm/K. Thermal conductivity of the composites are shown to agree well with that estimated from the parallel model. The CTEs of the composites in a-axis agree well with that from the rule of mixture estimation. The contributions of graphite and aluminum to the thermal conductivity and thermal expansion along the basal plane are in accord with the volume percentage of these phases. On the other hand, the CTEs of composites along c-axis are consistent with that estimated from Turner model indicating that graphite is capable of absorbing the expansion from aluminum phase.
