  • 期刊


Evaluation of the Carbothermic Reduction Efficiency of Bio-coal / Iron Ore Pellets


本研究以焙燒油棕生質煤取代傳統煤炭作為碳熱還原之還原劑及部分熱量來源,結合新能源材料及新煉鐵製程技術,以輕度(250℃)、中度(350℃)及重度(450℃)焙燒生質物30分鐘來產製生質煤,再以不同生質煤與鐵礦配製為煤鐵複合球團,進行碳熱還原反應特性評估。本研究結果指出,使用生質物經焙燒後產製之生質煤,進行鐵礦碳熱還原反應所獲得之鐵金屬化率,與使用商用煤做為還原劑者接近(95.9±0.8%);其中以中度焙燒生質煤表現最佳,其在本研究試驗基礎下,可節省23.6 g/100g Fe之最初生質物原料量;並較使用商用煤煉鐵,可縮短2.2min/100g Fe之反應時間。本研究證實焙燒生質煤應用於鐵礦碳熱還原煉鐵技術確實可行,此法將可大幅降低傳統煉鐵製程CO_2之排放。


碳熱還原 生質煤 焙燒


In this study, the torrefied bio-coal was used to replace the commercial coal as a reduction agent and to provide part of heat source for carbothermic reduction. Biomass was torrefied at 250, 350 and 450℃ for 30 min to produce torrefied bio-coals. Then, coal/ iron ore pellets were prepared from biomass, various torrefied bio-coals, commercial coals and iron ore powder to evaluate the carbothermic reduction efficiency. Experimental results showed that the iron metallization degrees (95.9±0.8%) of the bio-coal cases were comparable with that of commercial coal cases. The best performance case was torrefied bio-coal/ iron ore pellet made at 350℃. The best case saved 23.6 g/100g Fe of raw biomass and 2.2 min/100g Fe over that with commercial coal. The experimental results also showed that the innovative technology significantly reduced CO_2 emissions.


carbothermic reduction biomass torrefaction
