  • 期刊


The Petroleum Systems and Oil and Gas Resources of Taiping Island Basins


本研究是彙整及分析太平島鄰近的石油系統及其油氣資源量(或潛能)。根據所蒐集的太平島鄰近盆地之文獻,禮樂盆地之生油岩較老,主要以古新世晚期以迄始新世晚期之地層為主;曾母盆地及汶萊-沙巴盆地生油岩之則較年輕,主要以中新世早期到中新世晚期之地層為主。在儲集油氣層之年代方面,禮樂盆地與南薇盆地形成時間相近,主要以始新世早期至中新世晚期之地層為主;曾母盆地則以漸新世晚期至上新世之地層為主,汶萊-沙巴盆地則是集中於中新世早-晚期之地層。蓋岩層部分,禮樂盆地是在始新統至上新統地層間之頁岩或泥岩皆可成為蓋層;南薇盆地之蓋層是在上新統內之頁岩或泥岩;曾母盆地除了上新統之頁岩或泥岩為蓋層外,中部中新統內也有蓋層存在,汶萊- 沙巴盆地的蓋層則以中部- 上部中新統之頁岩或泥岩為蓋層。彙整及分析文獻的結果顯示太平島鄰近區域石油盆地之油氣資源量(總儲量),以曾母盆地最多,約有287~3,109億桶油當量。其次為汶萊- 沙巴盆地,約有63~451億桶油當量。而禮樂盆地約有91~145億桶油當量。推估太平島所在之鄭和盆地之油氣資源量約有38~48億桶油當量。


南海 石油系統 總儲量 油氣潛能


The purpose of this study was to investigate the petroleum systems and their oil and gas resources of three basins around the Taiping Island. The source rocks of the Liyue Basin are mainly composed of the interval from the Upper Paleocene to the Upper Eocene sequences; in the Zengmu and Brunei-Sabah Basins, the source rocks are composed of the interval from the Upper Oligocene to the Upper Miocene sediments. The reservoir rocks of the Liyue and Nanwei Basins are the interval from the Lower Eocene to the Upper Miocene sequences; in the Zengmu Basin, the reservoir rocks are the interval from the Upper Miocene to the Pliocene; and in the Brunei-Sabah Basin from the Middle to the Upper Miocene sediments. Our estimates showed that the Zengmu basin has a petroleum resource of 28.7~310.9 billion barrels of oil equivalent (BOE). The Brunei- Sabah basin has about 6.3~45.1 billion BOE; Liyue basin 9.1~14.5 billion BOE. The estimated petroleum resource in Zhenghe basin including Taiping island is about 3.8~4.8 billion BOE.
