  • 期刊


The Extended Applications of Thermodynamics EOS Tuned with Reservoir Fluid PVT Data


油氣層流體PVT 試驗所得數據除可用於黑油模型之數值模擬,亦可進行熱力學狀態方程式(Equation of State) 擬合,擬合之精確性將有助於對油氣層流體之相行為描述,進而用於成份模擬及流動保障之各項工程計算。故針對實驗室PVT 報告進行各試驗資料擬合將是油層模擬及其他工程估算之先行重要工作。PVT 試驗資料,除了傳統應用於試井解釋、油層黑油和組份模擬、單井產能分析、後續二、三級採油規劃(EOR) 開發外,另外可延伸應用於流動保障(Flow Assurance)、成份遞變(Composition Grading)、最佳分離器設定狀態和共同狀態方程式(Common EOS)、地層流體去污化(Decontamination) 等分析。本研究採用A 礦區B 和C 兩口井,各兩不同深度流體PVT 試驗資料,以擬合後之狀態方程式進行流動保障、共同狀態方程式、成份遞變和最佳分離器設定狀態之分析應用。


Reservoir fluid PVT data were utilized to tune the parameters of thermodynamic equation. The tuned equation of state can precisely predict fluid behaviors for compositional reservoir simulation and flow assurance calculation. PVT data are often used for reservoir engineering in well testing, black oil simulation, compositional simulation, nodal analysis, enhanced oil recovery, etc. The data also can be used for flow assurance, composition grading, optimum separator condition, common EOS, and decontamination of reservoir fluid. This study investigated the fluid characteristics of crude oil from two wells (B well and C well) in A field. Two bottom-hole samples each from different depths of each well were analyzed by conducting PVT and flow assurance experiments. We used the experimental data to tune the equation of state for extended applications.
