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The Tectonic Geomorphic Implication of the River Capture on Jhukengbei Ditch




Jhukengbei Ditch is located on the west slope of the Tadu Tableland which is uplifted as an anticline by the western frontal thrust of the Changhua active fault. A river capture event of the Jhukengbei Ditch was discovered based on aerial photographs interpretation and field studies. Moreover, the fluvial evolution responded to the active tectonics and its geomorphic implications was revealed with further help from the application of morphometry including tectonic geomorphology indices. The result showed the TaduShan anticline and Changhua fault, Longjing lineament were developed in sequence with temporal and spacious variation. TaduShan anticline was uplifted prior to the outcropping of the Changhua fault to the surface Longjing lineament formed as the backthrust of the Changhua fault. The surface deformation changed a consequent stream of the Jhukengbei Ditch into a parallel river system in pattern. The lower reaches of the main channel turned northward by the barrier of Longjing lineament, behaving as an antecedent stream flowing through the Changhua fault and Longjing lineament. The continuing northward extension of the regional tectonics leds to the northward migration the tributary streams at higher altitude and the lateral erosion of the mainstreams at lower altitude, thus resulting in river capture. The wind gap of the beheaded river left a scarp about three meters height, leaving the trace for the youngest river capture occurred on the west limb of the Tadu Tableland. The example of the river capture and the drainage geomorphic evolution of Jhukengbei Ditch highlight the continuing lateral propagation of the western Tadu Tableland to the north.


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