  • 期刊


Reconstruction of Climatic and Weather Characteristics in the Shanghai Area during the Qing Dynasty




氣溫 降水 劇烈天氣 颱風 龍捲風


This investigation attempts to reconstruct the climate of the Shanghai area during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) through analysis of the weather descriptions in the historical documents. Specifically, this study examines temporal variations in temperature and precipitation, spatio-temporal variations in special weather events, such as typhoons, hail, thunderstorms, tornados and floods, and associations between meteorological parameters.The average and extreme dry-wet indexes show frequent dry or wet changes during 1644-1730, and mostly wet changes subsequent to 1740. Decadal winter and summer temperature indexes show that the Shanghai area was colder during first and last fifty year periods of the Qing Dynasty than during the middle 150 years. However, the study period is free of any warming trend. Summer temperature is significantly and negatively related with extreme rainfall based on decadal data, implying higher extreme rainfall and then lower summer temperature with non-synochronous changes.The frequencies of typhoons, hail, thunderstorms, tornados and flooding are 2.5, 2.3, 3.6, 1.8 and 3.6 events per decade, respectively. Thunderstorms and flooding have the highest frequency among the special weathers. Fifty-year statistics demonstrate that more typhoons impact Shanghai during the middle period, and that there are fewer during the initial and final periods. Meanwhile, hail, thunderstorms and tornados are more frequent during the initial and final periods than during the middle period, while floods are more frequent during the initial period and less frequent during the middle and final periods. The spatial distribution of event frequency shows that typhoons are more frequent in the southeast and northwest. Hail, thunder and tornados exhibit a similar pattern, and are more frequent in the central and northwest areas. This spatial distribution could be attributed to these areas being close to the sea and the river, and also being more urbanized. Flooding is more frequent in the coastal and river counties or on isolated islands, due to the effects of river and sea levels.Associations between temperature, precipitation and special weathers show that typhoons contribute to average and extreme precipitation. More thunderstorms during the whole year or in the winter contribute to average precipitation throughout the year or in the winter, and to more frequent flooding, or lower temperatures in summer.The incidence of flooding may increase with those of typhoons and tornados. Severe convective systems and large-scale atmospheric instability may cause strong associations between hail, thunderstorms, and tornados.


Temperature precipitation severe weather typhoon tornado


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